
Friday, February 17, 2012

caught cheating

So today was a very productive day. However, with great responsibilities comes temptation. Spent 10 hours on my EFRI course today, so when I got home I couldn't be bothered to whip up something healthy and decided to pop to KFC . (I had visions of the extra greasy chicken-y delight and the fact that it is so easy and that I wouldn't have to bother with washing up dishes, pots & pans!)
I feel accomplished today for a different reason: I passed my written exam for the Child Care section for my Emergency First Responder Instructor course but am feeling super guilty for indulging in greasy goodness. The only exercise I had today was practicing Emergency scenarios and performing CPR on random Infant/Child/Adult mannequins.
That said; I calculated my calorie intake for the day and I consumed 1254 calories, my recommended calorie intake is 1268! Which is great as I have stayed within my calorie limit. I still feel guilty for having the chicken though--ah well treating myself, once in awhile is fine... dammit; I have a pub crawl to attend tomorrow....  :P

Mood: Happy, mentally exhausted, tad disappointed with my food choices today!
Physical: Feeling great, wrists a bit sore from CPR sessions.
Weight: 83.6kg
Target Weight: 66kg
Exercise: Performing repetitive CPR? Does that count?
Motivational Snippet for the day:

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